For Sale


To discuss purchasing a 2024 doe, please contact Erica at
Animal Availability
Each spring we also
offer a very limited number of milking does. Mature bucks also
become available once we have too many relatives in the herd or
their genetics don’t cross well with what we have. We test
mature stock annually for CAE. We do not have CL or Johnes. We
are part of the national Scrapie id program. Regular fecals and
FAMACHA scoring on the mature stock help keep parasite burdens
low, as well as good protein content in the feed (Kalmbach
textured grain, grass hay and/or alfalfa mix) and pasture
rotation. Kalmbach’s goat mineral is refreshed throughout the
week. I use the OptiFermXL as a yeast/rumen treat, add in
sunflower seeds in the winter as well as alfalfa pellets and
sometimes a show boosting top-dress pellet when intake dips due
to the cold weather here in Ohio. I deworm incoming stock
heavily (using 3 dewormers, each from a different class,
repeated at 12 or 24 hours, based on class, to a 12 hour fasted
animal) and copper boluses with caution.

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Website copyright 2020-24 Toad's
Knoll Farm
Farm logo designed by Christina Cassidy,
Website designed and maintained by
Sunflower Web Design
Webhosting provided by Firebug