Little Orchard EM
Grade ~ DOB: 2/3/21
Note: This buck's registration paper was expunged due to a DNA exclusion
on his
Maternal grandsire Welshans-Acres E Pharoah, who has been expunged
from the registry.
Resulting kids will be grade LaManchas.
Emperor ~ July 2023
Emperor going into rut-late August 2023 |
Sire: Autumn-Acres EE Emblem
SS: B Kastdemur's Cutting Edge
SD: CH Autumn-Acres Chocolate Eclair
Dam: Little Orchard WP Ember 13*M
DD: SGCH Little Orchard SM Phyllis 12*M ~ 91 EEEE |

Dam: GCH (pend) Little Orchard WP
Ember 13*M |

Sire: CH Autumn-Acres Chocolate
Eclair |
Photo of Ember courtesy of Little
Ochard LaManchas
Photo of Eclaire courtesy of
Autumn-Acres Dairy Goats

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Knoll Farm
Farm logo designed by Christina Cassidy,
Website designed and maintained by
Sunflower Web Design
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